
Civ 6 map trading
Civ 6 map trading

In Civ VI, I don't understand whether you need multiple copies of the same resource - the official guide book says a resource serves 4 cities.

civ 6 map trading

So the excess would only affect those cities that usally don't get any benefits from luxuries anyway, while the whole concept for the cities that require them the most remains unchanged. In Civ V, multiple copies of a resource didn't do anything for you so you traded them for different ones. You would still require to trade for different kinds of luxuries to boost your cities that require them the most, since each type would still give only +1 per city, no matter how many copies you own. Where did I say +4 irrespective of type?! You can trade them for other types of luxury or sell them. You may as well junk the whole idea of luxuries.Īlso the excess are not useless. To have it as 4 per luxury irrespective of type would remove the need for types too. Only 4 cities benefiting follows diminishing marginal returns concepts, encourages trading and city state relationship building, just to think of a couple of good reasons. To do it the way you want it would make luxury resources pointless unless they were heavily slashed back, which gives you a similar result. I hope this is going to be changed in the future or is something that can easily be changed by a mod, because it makes absolutely no sense right now (why shouldn't you give the resource to other cities as well, when you are drowning in it?!). But unfortunately that is not the case right now, so only the first copy adds this +4 bonus while the rest is useless.

civ 6 map trading

Originally posted by Helio:I wish it would be that way, that several copies of a luxury would cover additional cities.

Civ 6 map trading